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Snelder: KIWA HortiQ BRL-8001 certificate 2015-2024

HortiQ BRL 8001: the quality mark for suppliers in greenhouse horticulture

Certificate: Snelder BRL-8001

In the field of greenhouse construction, the Netherlands is the absolute world leader. Dutch greenhouse builders are therefore actively involved far beyond their own borders in horticultural projects that excel in innovation and sustainability.

  • Quality Mark: Greenhouse Horticulture

Both a horticultural greenhouse itself and the products used in it must meet high quality standards. For the greenhouse construction there is therefore the HortiQ BRL 8000 certificate. For all products and installations used in a greenhouse - such as transport, CO2 and control installations and heat and water systems - there is HortiQ BRL 8001. This certificate shows that the suppliers of the products and services in question meet all the requirements and work according to clear procedures and criteria. With a HortiQ BRL 8001 quality mark, suppliers can make an efficiency boost and show their craftsmanship to customers and prospects.

  • Initiative of AVAG

The HortiQ certificate based on BRL 8001 is both a system and a product certificate. It relates to the organization and quality assurance and to the quality of the delivered product. The latter is guaranteed because according to BRL 8001 a number of ISSO publications have to be complied with. HortiQ is an initiative of AVAG, the platform of suppliers in horticulture.

(Source: KIWA.NL)