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In the greenhouse walls, greenhouse covering and the intermediate wall, rolling screens are used.In walls, the rolling screen can have various functions, such as a reflective, energy saving and darkening function, or can be used to limit the light emission.Moreover, a rolling screen - combined with a horizontal top screen - can help to realize a more constant temperature in the greenhouse.
Rolling screens consist of a roll tube which winds the screen.For the various types of rolling screen systems, Snelder is able to supply various types of roll tubes with 50 and 63 mm diameters.The roll tubes can be supplied with one and two grooves.In the tube with two grooves, two screens can be mounted that will be wound at the same time.This system is also referred to as a twin rolling screen system.
A rolling screen system is driven by tube motors.The compact dimensions of the tube motor, make it very suitable for mounting it in the roll tube.This helps to limit the amount of construction space that is needed in the greenhouse.Snelder supplies two types of tube motors that vary in diameter, power and speed and which can be installed in a very short time.
Snelder supplies complete rolling screen systems, including roll tube guides, purlin clamps and guide supports.Rolling screen installations can be supplied included with screens of various renowned screen suppliers.

Types: Rolling screens

A wall screen is usually supplied with one groove.Several screens can also be mounted per wall, depending on the number of purlin fields.In this way, a wall can also be partly darkened.
A twin rolling screen is characterized by the winding tube with motor which is located in the middle of the screening section.The benefit of this is that larger sections can be darkened, which is a good solution for higher greenhouses in particular.

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